Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

Ok so i dated a guy for less than a few days. if ound out that things werent working out. So i got onto my myspace and i told the guy it was over. Thankfully his sister and i are like best friends again. Yet the guy handled it ok too.

But thing is i cant stand to look at him in the face. I cant even talk to him.

Did i do the right thing by breaking up with him on myspace?

or should i have broken up wiht him in person?

Im really not good at breaking up with people in person or over the phone so i find it that breakignup with people online works a bit better. Did i do the right thing?

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

This is a new age. People are doing things by fax, email, texting etc. I would have told him face to face. People have to do what if comfortable for them.

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

No, you did the wrong thing. Breaking up on myspace is the wuss way out. Be a woman, tell him to his face. He at least deserves that.

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

that was ttly wrong!

u should hav treated this guy w/ respect and told him in person that it wasnt working out!

do u not care about his feelings?????


no but seriously...nxt it in person!

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

If you really needed to end the relationship without a lot of confrontation, you did the right thing. I had to break up with a very controlling, insane ex who I knew would not take it well. So I just called him. But if he was a nice guy and you simply werent feeling anything with him, write him and let him know you are sorry that things didnt work out and you hope you two can at least stay friends. You dont have to be close friends, but it lets him know its nothing against him and the relationship simply wasnt working for you. Good luck!

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

well, personally i think you shouldve broken up with him in person.this shows that you respect him enough to actually take his feelings into consideration.but don't beat yourself up about it. you can't change whats in the past, and he did take it well. so don't worry about it

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

You only dated him for a few days? That wasn't a relationship to begin with so there was nothing to "break up". Maybe you need to grow up a little bit more before you go confusing dating with real relationships.

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

Breaking up via the internet in any way is wrong. I've had someone breakup with me via email and it was horrible. Would you want it done to you?

Is breaking up with someone on myspace a good idea? or not?

u did what normally a guy would do... so wait your turn and you'll see what its like!

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