Monday, November 30, 2009

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?

Say you dont know the girl but you want to get to know her what is a good myspace comments you girls like getting or find funny that will make you respond back to the guy. Either a picture comment or just a comment to there page.

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?

Tell her she looks hot and you want to put out her fire with your man juice LOL.... good luck

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?

Hi, how are you? I am fine.

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?

pointing out a special feature of her looks and not just saying that she looks good all together, tell her you're really feeling her page, ask her to hit you up sometime because you really think she's something special...hell I dunno, just speak from the heart.

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?

ur pic is sexy and i would like to talk to u

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?

if your black-hey ma wusz gud jusz st0pp1n by 2 sh0w ur page sum luv. i wud luv t0 get 2 no yu bettah...iight comm2nt cho boi bak..iight ~1

if your white-hey like whats up? like omg like i would get to like know you better!! so like o ma god like comment m3 back.

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?

um maybe just try hello, my name is ____________ and i wanna get to know u better, if u dont mind. Just be real and upfront. let her know wut it is.

What is a good myspace comment girls like receiving?


I was looking at your survey (if no surveys) then replace with something pictures......and you seem like a good person.....I would like to get to know you....My name is (insert name here)....well I hope you had a good day.

(your name here)

How is that?

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