Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is a good thing or bad thing?

Lately on the news I have been seeing a ton of things about and sexual predators. Do you think myspace is a good website for teenagers to be using? How do you feel about your children or spouses posting their personal information and pictures on this website? Is there anything we can do to make is safer?

Is a good thing or bad thing?

I use myspace, and I know quite a few others who use myspace. My friend allowed her 10 year old Daughter to use myspace as well.

Myspace itself is NOT a bad thing. How can an internet website be bad? It's how people use it. Children who put out their information are doomed to be preyed upon. Myspace does not ask for any personal information except your birthdate. Whatever else you put up there is at the concent of the user. The children who have been abducted, raped, stolen, etc PUT that information out there, or TOLD these predators.

It's not the site that's bad.

It's the children who're stupid enough to put out where they live.

Is a good thing or bad thing?

its like this open to all and some of all are the pervs and reprobates you just have to use the right metheods delete e-mails from strangers and dont chat with old pervs

Is a good thing or bad thing?

It's the ultimate game of testing your ego. It becomes a competition of seeing who has the most friends, so you add everyone you've made eye contact with in the past 6 years, constantly posting bulletins telling people to comment on your NEW PICZ PLZ or die. Also a way for every garage band ever to make a Myspace Music profile without even have talent and/or experience as other bands have. Also a new place for every hott girl in the world to prove how slutty they are by making a Myspace and putting pictures of themselve's where they only have 1/5 of their clothes on with the quote under it "I used photoshop to cover my boobs, So What."

"Comment on my myspace plz LOL!"

Is a good thing or bad thing?

I am so sick of all of the media surrounding myspace. Even though all of the press is negative, it is press nonetheless. It has put myspace on the map. Do you remember being a teenager being told that something is bad for you? Do you remember thinking that nothing bad will *ever* happen to you? That is the mentality of teenagers when it comes to myspace. They will post what they want, and think nothing of it.

Is a good thing or bad thing?

NO it is not

Anybody can post anything they want on that site For example porn and anything

Is a good thing or bad thing?

I hated it there were too many stalkers!

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